Oct 2, 2014

[DIY] Anniversary Present

Hi there! Been a long time. So yesterday I sorted all photos I had in my mobile phone - just to make a backup of it - and I found some pictures of my own craft that I'd like to share through my blog. Well, also to ensure that this blog is still alive. Let me start with my ideas of Anniversary Gift for your beloved one!

#1 The Couple Pillow

I made this lovely cushion for my (used-to-be) boyfriend - Bagas - as the 3rd anniversary present. Caricature drawing is not my expertise, so I trusted the work to a friend of mine, Aziz, who was a Visual Communication Design scholar. He was a talented guy, and it made me easy to communicate my design concept. Then I passed the design to an online shop that provides custom made printed pillows - which I found in random - called Haliastore. I remembered that I had very tight schedule before the D-day, so no further search was made for the cushion creator selection. Amazingly, it turned into a high satisfactory after seeing the outcomes. They were well-drawn and the cushions themselves were made from comfy materials. Like it very much!

#2 The 3D Frame


The next year, I crafted this 3D Frame. So what's this actually? If you take a closer look, you'll see the inner part of the picture is a lil bit shadowy in certain angles. This is because I 'transformed' the original picture into a framed (almost) 3D picture by printing, cutting, and putting some 'wedges' between two layers of pictures. It took about 2-3 hours to finish the craft and finally placed it into a wooden frame.

Tips : Make sure you have idea about the size of the frame before starting to design the picture. Otherwise, you'll end up with mis-sizing. Every 1 cm counts!

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