Oct 8, 2014

[Recipe] Simple Fruit Pancake

I'd like to start a new blog archive for recipes :-) Cooking becomes my hobby recently, and although I'm not an expert kitchener, I like to do experiments with recipes. Well, not all dishes end up with success, but most of them score nice compliments from my hubby! (I hope he meant it :-D)

For starter...i'll start with my favorite type of dish : Dessert. Just a short one.. if you :
-are a student living abroad / far from home
-have limited time to cook
-have limited items in your fridge
-have limited budget
-are craving for sweet dessert

then you may decide to make a pancake. Simply buy the pancake flour, if possible the all-in-one version, so that you are not required to add more milk, sugar, and/or eggs. I personally like to add a pinch of sugar just to add sweet taste into the pancake mixture. Then, put it on a plate and arrange the toppings as follows:
-chocolate chips/chocolate paste/chocolate sauce
-peanut butter
-whipped cream
-maple sauce

Of course you can use other kind of toppings based on your preferences. But I suggest those toppings due to their versatility, so that you can use the same items for other purposes like making smoothies, bread, beverages, and so on and so forth.

For the pancake arrangement, I have several examples for you :-)

Classic one : The stacked pancakes

Wider one : (almost) a crepe

Pancake sandwich, my favorite!

Happy cooking!

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